This article was written by D.N.E. for the Intent Is Power XLII-LXXV solo exhibit. Much of it still applies currently, as sigils are the crux of all non-band art work, though D.N.E. has now expanded out of the Intent is Power series with the additions of other grams and forms such as decagrams and octahedrons. Website update with more recent works ongoing.

About D.N.E’s Work: The Subconscious, Sigils and the Pentagram

From the black layer of paint initiating each Intent is Power work into existence to every intention focussed marking conjured until the painting is fully culminated- lay only sigils and pentagrams.

Sigils are a means to turn words into symbols, and symbols are a means to teach the subconscious mind and so are therefore a path towards empowering a willful reality of self actualization. One would think it is the conscious mind propelling the direction of an existence forward yet that is, generally speaking, just a manifestation of the way the subconscious mind visualizes reality. Becoming aware of this power the subconscious has over one’s life and holding steadfast to this realization is not only a crux in affirming a stronger level of mastery in the cultivation of life goals and self, it also lends insight into the why of one’s thoughts, actions, circumstances and perceptions. This why starts before a person is even born. In the third trimester through the hormones of the mother until around 7 years old, the absorption of existence is almost solely through subconscious channels and this becomes the blueprint for internal and external views which then greatly affect the unfurling of a life’s path. This does not necessarily heed to a notion of being ‘stuck’ within a young involuntarily nurtured psyche, though, as growth springs out of resiliency, in learning from retrospection, seeing bias and being mindful of one’s own thoughts- which a greater discipline over eventually bears the fruits of a deeper self perception and therefore a stronger connection to subconscious ruling. Psychologists suggest we continue on throughout life 95 percent subconsciously. Venturing into these recesses isn’t easy but it is the path to a greater understanding of the nuanced self and to a wiser, more realized existence. Due to the wordless nature of subconscious language, penetrating this underlying foundation of consciousness to heal self sabotage- or to unmute and strengthen positive aspects of self- requires a subliminal touch. This is why sigils are such a brilliant tool in cultivating a deeper sense of power and clarity towards personal growth.

For over a decade, D.N.E. has been utilizing sigils to will personal growth and fortitude. Created and strengthened over time through concentrated effort and repetition, sigils used in the Intent is Power series have this long history of development and use. Though it may have seemed logical to meld this hermetic practice with an already existent visual art proliferation, it only came about a couple years ago in an epiphanous moment of observation. Sigils made their way into small oil pastel drawings to be released as a part of an artist edition version of an experimental noise D.N.E. tape release containing three original drawings each- and a deeper power to these works was perceived. This realization is what ultimately brought the sigil work out of notebook after notebook and into a series that, though looking like abstract art, are each created as a visual magical working.

Each considered a ritual unto itself, after those very limited artist edition pieces the series continued on in the form of commissioned oil pastel and graphite works. Being the owner/runner of a music label, D.N.E. was able to use this platform to offer sigil work on a personalized basis in which each person ordering was invited to share qualities they admire, what they want to improve within themselves and what their goals are, which were then integrated as the main focused intention. Each piece was then sealed with an impromptu poem written to the receiver. The individualized nature of these rituals still always managed to align with the arsenal of sigils D.N.E. has spent years honing as the scope of the work has always been within bolstering qualities and resiliency- over the notion of specific outcomes. Virtues such as discipline, health, wisdom, gratitude, focus, clarity, success, longevity, integrity, balance, strength, fortitude, truth, will, energy, self awareness, rejuvenation and regeneration are things that anyone can benefit from. Life can be arduous for all and ‘magic’ isn’t necessarily about altering a course of events but more so in bolstering one’s ability to move through them, to learn from it and better oneself in the process. The beauty in this is if one does learn, does strengthen and does grow more wise then eventually this can affect a path for the better because it prevents hard lessons from being repeated if they are already accepted humbly and are taken as a means to a deeper self awareness- and therefore a deeper wisdom of being.

It is of note that though the commissioned beginnings of this ongoing series have been shared in past tense, personalized visual magical workings are still offered on a larger and ranging scale.

Now turning to the last word in the title, the pentagram ties in with the Intent is Power series, and the collection of D.N.E.’s work in general, through the overarching theme of self empowerment.

Long before the advent of Christianity, which then demonized the the symbol, the pentagram was seen as an apotropaic- a protection. With a history that can be traced as far back as the Sumerians (who’s language is considered an isolate hence proving the reach further), the pentagram has been present through numerous ancient civilizations and had always carried with it this positive association. From shields and doorways to the Greek island of Melos who’s people struck coins with them and worshipped gods laden on the other side, the pentagram was an accepted part of the ancient world and it was often inverted. “The first notable thing when looking at these coins is that the pentagrams are with few exceptions drawn oriented one point down.” Tartaros, Chapter 10: The History of the Pentagram, pg. 114. by Johan August Alm.

Pentagrams are carved into the still wet black painted layer of Intent background before any colour is added, echoing the distinct greeting of the Pythagorean initiates who would start their important letters with the symbol to express positive energy towards the health and well being of the letter’s addressee. The foundation of black paint (or gesso) itself is also theosophically sound with numerous ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Pythagoreans, who's creation genealogies taught that Night preceded Day and Light was born out of Darkness.

With meaning purposeful and imbued in every layer left visible or not on every work, with every thought had during the process focused on adding power to the symbol in hand and then intuitively on to the next and next until fully charged, creating the Intent is Power works is in itself a ritual of self actualization. Exponential vitality for the Work through exponential vitality from the Work. This is hermetic practice in a visually manifested form.

In professional fashion this was written by me in third person, but by me all the same.

All the best and strength to you,

D.N.E. , January 2023